Utilities Industry

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Robinson & McElwee represents the largest electric utility in West Virginia in its rate and fuel cost cases, as well as other companies that must win approval for their rates from the Public Service Commission.

These include national gas distribution and waste disposal and trucking businesses that serve West Virginia. We are experienced in dealing with the special needs of utilities, and the difficulties faced by regulated industries.

For more information regarding our Utilities Industry services, please contact:

William C. Porth


Utilities are regulated by the Public Service Commission, and our attorneys have years of experience dealing with the Commission staff in rate cases, formal complaints and other administrative proceedings. The cases have ranged from rate increases in the hundreds of millions of dollars to customer complaints about service.

Our representation for utilities occurs in two venues – before the Public Service Commission, and in courts of record. We handle consumer complaints that are filed with the PSC, and litigation that is brought in state circuit courts. These courts cover a wide range of matters, from small auto accidents involving service trucks to statewide class actions resulting from service interruption.

Utilities are frequently large land owners, with significant real property interests. We have extensive experience in the acquisition and sale of land and buildings for regulated businesses and in title work for easements, rights-of-way, and land purchases.

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